The large amount of smoke and heat that is quickly generated during a fire can make it difficult for people to locate and reach escape routes: adequate ventilation to remove the smoke and heat quickly is essential.

Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems address this need by directing hot smoke away from exit routes, allowing it to be identified and then evacuated, providing safe access for rescuers.

Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilators (SHEV) are openings in the roof of rooms which, as they are suitably positioned and distributed, allow the masses of hot gases that tend to move upwards to be expelled outside.

The removal of heat helps to delay or avoid a flash over and to reduce any damage caused by combustion gases or any toxic and corrosive substances generated by the fire.

In order to ensure their effectiveness, it is essential that the checks required by the standards, which detail all the activities and maintenance schedules, be performed by specialised personnel.

Faro is the right pratner!

  • Expertise: we know the standards and propose the right solution
  • Reliability: we test all the products we offer
  • Care for the environment: we know how to handle waste and have developed a system of circular economy and reuse
The FARO Team

  • Our technicians receive continuous professional training
  • Our staff are direct employees, not subcontracted
  • We are very well acquainted with multi-site industrial, logistics, and retail operations
FARO is always there

  • Technical service on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Direct phone support provided by our operators
  • Expert advice on all regulatory updates

Maintenance phases and frequency

Phase Frequency Situation
Initial inspection - Assumption
(responsible company)
Occasional Before delivery of a new or modified system or when assuming the maintenance of a system
Continuous According to the maintenance plan scheduled by the system manager
Routine maintenance
(responsible company)
Every six months According to the scheduled maintenance plan
Extraordinary maintenance
(responsible company)
Occasional According to need for major repairs

Documentation to be acquired prior to starting maintenance activities

  • User and maintenance manual;
  • Installation manual.

Initial inspection

To be performed by the Maintenance Technician

Preliminary Inspection
  • Verification that the system corresponds to the executive plan; Installation in conformity with the standard;
  • Visual inspection of the system.
Functional Check
  • Verification that the system logics correspond to the project requirements and the operating documents as well as the user and maintenance manual;
  • In the presence of other interconnected systems (active or passive protection or technological systems), check that the system logics are consistent with the project requirements.

Periodic inspection Every six months

To be performed by the Maintenance Technician

  • Check that the initial inspection documents are on hand;
  • Check that no actions have been taken or structural changes made in the protected environment.
  • Check of exhaust ventilator;
  • Check of CO2 cartridge;
  • Check of thermal control valve (replacement every 24 months);
  • Check of springs and cocking pin (replacement every 24 months);
  • Check pyrotechnic potential.
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