Emergency Equipment

In the event of a workplace accident, while waiting for the necessary assistance from qualified medical personnel, it is essential to provide effective first aid. This assistance is aimed at the initial management of emergencies and must be provided according to rules, proper behaviour, and specific instructions.

To this end, surgical and pharmaceutical medical supplies must be available for first aid in every workplace. The location of medical supplies – in boxes, cases, or packages – must comply with the provisions of the Evacuation and Emergency Plan.

Depending on the type of activities carried out, the number of workers employed, and the risk factors involved, the legislation in force classifies companies and the relative characteristics of the supplies and equipment to be used.

Personnel in charge of using emergency equipment and providing first aid must undergo specific training.

Faro is the right pratner!

  • Expertise: we know the standards and propose the right solution
  • Reliability: we test all the products we offer
  • Care for the environment: we know how to handle waste and have developed a system of circular economy and reuse
The FARO Team

  • Our technicians receive continuous professional training
  • Our staff are direct employees, not subcontracted
  • We are very well acquainted with multi-site industrial, logistics, and retail operations
FARO is always there

  • Technical service on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Direct phone support provided by our operators
  • Expert advice on all regulatory updates
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