Welcome to Faro Antincendio

We have been working with dedication to develop your customised fire protection solution since 1916

FARO ANTINCENDIO is a company that provides maintenance services for all types of fixed and mobile fire-fighting equipment. We are also specialists in providing consultancy services for all fire protection and occupational safety and health procedures, as well as courses on occupational safety and health, fire protection, and many other subjects at our training centre.

We offer our customers our experience: a hundred years of history serving major Italian and international companies, through our group of maintenance technicians working directly throughout Italy.

Our services are tailored specifically to each company that contacts us, whether it is to provide compulsory training courses in conformity with Italian Law no. 81/08, or to carry out necessary maintenance, or to bring the business into compliance.

In addition to offering more traditional services, FARO ANTINCENDIO provides support to its customers through innovative technologies that allow us to reach any part of Italy thanks to various means of assistance and training.

Faro Antincendio Courses

Our entire training offer developed.

Why choose us

Faro Antincendio
We have been delivering results for over 100 years
Faro Antincendio - More than 30,000 sites inspected each year
More than 30,000 sites inspected each year
Faro Antincendio - Continuous training in all sectors
Continuous training in all sectors
Faro Antincendio - Comprehensive offering for companies that includes training, consultancy, planning, and maintenance
Comprehensive offering for companies that includes training, consultancy, planning, and maintenance
Faro Antincendio - Operators always in communication with the operational centre
Operators always in communication with the operational centre
Faro Antincendio - Seven locations in Italy
Seven locations in Italy


Scegliere FARO ANTINCENDIO significa scegliere un partner affidabile e attento alle vostre esigenze.

Grazie alle convenzioni che abbiamo stipulato con le nostre associazioni partner, siamo in grado di offrire ai loro associati i nostri servizi a condizioni economiche particolarmente vantaggiose.

Faro Antincendio formula

A century of experience at your disposal

  • Analysis

    Our staff are trained to work closely with the customer and analyse situations without having to pass through external agents or consultants.
  • Time for everything

    If you contact us to evaluate one of our offers, our staff will give you all the time you need to make all the relevant enquiries.
  • Method

    To innovate you need method and you need to know how to put your practical experience to good use.
  • Solution

    We always propose a possible solution. Occasionally we even go outside the traditional parameters.

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Faro Antincendio News

Some information about the world of safety training.

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Casa dolce casa!
10/02/2025 11:25:07
Casa dolce casa!

Gli incendi domestici causano danni enormi, prevenibili con manutenzione, rilevatori di fumo ed educazione alla sicurezza. Per maggiori informazioni, contattaci!
Il servizio PRO. ME. TE. O.
03/02/2025 17:59:27
Il servizio PRO. ME. TE. O.

Emergenza incendio? Con il servizio PRO. ME. TE. O. di Faro Antincendio, l’intervento è immediato grazie alla localizzazione automatica dei tecnici competenti. Contattaci!
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